Friday, February 1, 2013

Jon Kyl, Traitor

So I was driving across town the other day, and there on I-10 was a billboard that saluted the former U.S. Senator from Arizona Jon Kyl for his “service on behalf of the American people.”

I wonder what was on the mind of those who paid for the billboard, because it certainly couldn’t be Kyl’s record as a legislator. He neither sponsored nor introduced any significant legislation during his eight years in the House of Representatives, or his 18 years in the Senate. He was, at best, a republican hack whose main skill, Time Magazine once noted, was “legislative subterfuge.”

Let’s be honest: Kyl left office in disgrace, and as a stain on both Arizona and the United States Senate. During his final four years in office he served as an unindicted, co-conspirator in an act of treason against the People of the United States. You read that right: Kyl is a traitor.

But he wasn't alone. Kyl was one of 13 republicans invited by right wing poll troll and lie master Frank Luntz to a dinner at the Caucus Room restaurant the night America celebrated the first inauguration of President Barak Obama in 2008. The names and photos of the invitees should be posted in the Most Wanted section of every Post Office in America, and includes such notable white collar criminals as Eric Cantor, Paul Ryan, Jim DeMint, Tom Coburn and Newt Gingrich. The only thing this group hated more than the American people was that the American people rejected the foundation of everything they stood for by elevating Barack Obama to the presidency in a landslide.

The one and only intent of the dinner was to plot ways to block the newly-elected President’s agenda, even if the measures he proposed would improve the American economy, and in turn the lives of all Americans. Differences of opinion, philosophy and approach are all part of politics. But what Kyl and his band of co-conspirators charted was a callous and calculated coup meant to serve only the needs of their party — a party whose fundamental tenents were rejected convincingly by a vast majority of Americans just two months before. It is not an overstatement to call it a coup, and it was designed to bring our system of government to a halt. It was subversion by a disgruntled minority to impose their will on a country that had just soundly rejected every principal espoused by the republican party. It was, in every sense, a plot by traitors.

And to a large degree, it worked. The agreement reached that evening lead to absolute gridlock in the House, and in the Senate to more filibusters in the last four year than in the entire history of the Republic. Any sense of governance came to a complete stop, including things as routine as the approval of federal judges and agency directors. It was slimy. It was petty. It was traitorous. And Kyl was up to his elbows in it.

Let’s not forget that the economic collapse of this country — wholly owned by republicans by their own irresponsible spending, the Bush tax cuts, two wars rung up on a credit card and deregulation that was both massive and reckless — was one of the reasons President Obama was swept into office in 2008. But rather than own and accept responsibility for the failure of their policies, Kyl and his dozen accomplices plotted not just against the President’s agenda, but against the welfare American people. By any definition, that’s treason.

President Obama’s re-election landslide was the final blow to a failed coup. But if there was truly justice in this nation, Kyl and cohorts would be stripped of their rights of citizenship and left to wither away for the remainder of their lives in prison.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Pro lifers, republicans are laughing AT you

Last week marked the 40th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision. The landmark 7-2 ruling said that the a right to privacy under the due process clause of the 14th Amendment extended to a woman’s decision to have an abortion, and has that right until viability.

And the fight has gone on ever since.

I’m comfortably in the keep abortion safe, legal and rare camp. And while I genuinely admire their passion, I have to admit to being entirely uncomfortable with the unearned sanctimony of the pro life crowd. These people live lives surrounded by shades of gray, but can only see black and white. These are the people who in one breath will tell you that all life is sacred, and in the next vote for a person who would deny needy children and mothers food. They are pro life . . . until the child is born.
The republican party has provided a comfortable niche for the anti choice crowd, and has given them plenty of lip service — from it’s anti abortion party platform, to Speaker of the House John Boehner’s recentannouncement that republicans will soon put an end to abortion.

Yeah. Like that’ll happen.

If the republicans were even remotely serious about ending abortion, they would have done so during the disastrous term of George W. Bush. For six years republicans controlled the House, Senate and White House. And during that time they never introduced a single piece of legislation that would curb abortion, let alone ban it.

Their lack of action was intentional, because the only thing about abortion that republicans are truly dedicated to is using it as a campaign issue in order to collect from the saps in the anti abortion movement. And that’s what Boehner’s latest announcement is all about. Desperate to keep control of the House in the 2014 mid-term election after republican ideas were so clearly rejected in last November’s election, republicans are desperate to raise massive amounts of cash to assure they retain control of the house. And that's the only reason for Boehner's pledge.

Abortion may well be the only wedge issue the republicans have left. From marriage to the military to the Boy Scouts for crissake, the gay rights movement is steam roller no number of Family Research Councils will be able to stop. The closet (and out of the closet) racism of the conservative movement was trampled by minority voters in November, not to mention the African American re-elected president in a landslide. And 20 dead Connecticut first-graders, not to mention the complete lunacy of its leadership, spells doom for the National Rifle Association as we know it.

God, guns and gays no longer work to benefit republicans. Abortion doesn’t either, but that won’t stop the pro lifers from being sucked in.

Speaking of Guns.

As a Catholic I have always been annoyed that the church has been so loud in its opposition to abortion, but quite when it came to guns. The tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newton, Conn. seems to have brought that to an end. Bishops and other clergy is now speaking out, and this New York Timespiece sums it up nicely.


A few folks asked me if I had anything to say about the #RedForEd movement. Yeah. I have a lot to say, and the entire take can be boiled dow...