Monday, November 9, 2015

Battling the stupid: new name, new commitment

So, on the recommendation of people I trust . . . OK, people I had a few drinks with . . . I've renamed my blog.

Sure, I haven't posted anything here in eons, but maybe, just maybe, a new name will be the inspiration I need to post more regularly. I got my writing jones back during the last year, so why not.

Anyhow, here's the story behind the name change:

Last week school districts across Arizona were holding important finance elections. Not long after the polls closed I stopped into the pharmacy across the street to buy some toothpaste so my breath didn't smell funny while I was on a trip to Kansas.

While waiting in line the two women in front of me were discussing the election. OK, "discussing" is too kind a word. They were complaining about it. Complaining that teachers only work nine months a year (wrong), that all the money was going to administration (wrong), and that education gets plenty of money already (wrong — HAT TRICK!).

I was biting my tongue. I really was. Then they turned on me.

"You're that guy from TV," the lead Philistine said.

"Yeah, I'm that guy from TV," I said (just a couple of days before I did interviews with every TV station in town about stranger danger as an unwitting accomplice in a media gambit to scare the bejesus out of parents across the Valley of the Sun on the eve of Halloween).

"I bet you think we should vote yes," the Philistine said.

"Yes, I think you should vote to support your schools, teachers and your kids," I said.

"Well I hope they all fail."


Me: "Well I hope your kid grows up to be stupid."

So there's that.